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SkyMesh customer survey results are in! Find out how we did

SkyMesh customer survey results are in! Find out how we did

Thanks to all our customers who completed the satisfaction survey a few weeks back, we’ve had an excellent participation rate across all the different NBN™ technologies, much higher than expected, and it’s provided us with some really useful insights to build on as we move into 2018.

Like any business, there is always room for improvement, but overall it was overwhelmingly positive so a massive thank you to the 3,500 plus customers who took the time to complete it so far.

Starting with the positives…

Overall, our customers appear to be very satisfied and willing to recommend us to friends

The biggest takeaways for me was the Net Promoter Scores (question 12 within the survey), which measures the willingness of our customers to recommend our services and is widely used as a proxy for evaluating overall customer satisfaction. The NPS range starts at -100 to +100 and any business which scores over 0 is viewed as good and above +70 is considered as “World Class”. More on NPS scores and how they’re calculated here if you’re interested.

Our customers scored us at +38 which is widely considered as very good for an NPS score and something we are all really chuffed about. The +38 is an average of all the individual technologies we offer e.g. Fibre, Fixed Wireless, Satellite etc with Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) being our top performer with an NPS of +43.

We need to start rewarding our brand advocates, financially

SkyMesh customer survey results are in! Find out how we did

Based on an average NPS score of +38, clearly, we already have a lot of customers recommending us to friends and family and currently, we are not rewarding them financially. That doesn’t seem right to me and we want this addressed ASAP with customers being rightfully compensated with cash rewards.

Expect our referral program to be released in early 2018, with existing customers who completed the survey to have first dibs on trying out the referral program as part of a soft launch. Maybe we’ll even provide a bonus as an extra thank you for providing this valuable feedback. Stay tuned.

The SkyMesh website and customer portal were rated as “Good”

SkyMesh customer survey results are in! Find out how we did

Feedback for both of these was good, with customers overall feeling that they were functional and easy to navigate.

While the website has recently been updated and no major changes are planned, we’re very keen to begin work on revamping the My SkyMesh customer portal. It currently has lots of good features and generally helps our customers manage their accounts, but it looks tired and isn’t easily accessible on mobile and tablet devices. This needs to change and it definitely requires a facelift during 2018.

Our customer teams were all rated as “Good”

We asked participants to score on a scale of 1-5, 1 being “Excellent”, 2 being “Good”, 3 being “Average”, 4 being “Poor” and  5 being “Very Poor”.

All our teams averaged a score which fell between “Good” to “Excellent”, with the sales team slightly outperforming customer services and technical support, but there was very little in it.

It’s great to know that our teams are knowledgeable and provide a consistent level of service across the business.

No lock-in contracts are a winner

When asked why customers chose SkyMesh, no lock-in contracts were the biggest influencer along with Free Setup and Connection. Unlimited Plan changes are also very popular.

We’re currently reviewing several new plan features which we hope to launch in 2018 along with providing rewards for our customers. A good example of this was the $100,000 summer holiday data giveaway for Sky Muster™ which lots of customers commented on during the survey.

SkyMesh customers have a good sense of humour

Before we wrap up on the good points, I’m sure a lot of you have wondered if your open text field responses are actually read. Well, they are! Here was my personal favourite from this year’s survey.

Q. How would you describe SkyMesh to a friend?

A. I am an engineer, I don’t have friends.

We have lots of engineers at SkyMesh so this made me laugh.

Areas for improvements…

There were mixed opinions about sharing this information, but you know what, I’m glad we did.

Service speeds for Off-Net are dragging down Fixed Line user experience

It became evident fairly quickly that there was a difference in customer satisfaction scores between Off-Net and On-Net implying a slight reduction in network performance and subsequent drop in overall customer satisfaction when a customer wasn’t connected to the NBN via a direct SkyMesh link.

This is something we quickly flagged with our engineering team to ensure that, where possible, Off-Net customers are migrated onto an On-Net service. What was great to see was that our engineering team monitor this very closely and had already migrated several hundred customers during November 2017. This will remain a priority for the team as we roll out our own network.

More on the difference between On-Net and Off-Net here.

Customer call waiting times are too high

Lots of feedback was supplied around call wait times for technical support and customer support. This year we’ve made a lot of progress to help improve these, but clearly, it’s not enough.

As we move into 2018, we revisit call wait times, beef up the relevant teams, deploy a Live Chat facility on the website and customer portal, and improve our call back option which has been a little temperamental.

Please continue to bear with us as this is addressed and remember that you can also contact us via email or our support form.

Who won the 1-months FREE broadband?

As part of the customer survey, all participants were entered into a prize draw to win 1-months FREE broadband.

Mr Terence Royston Villis, on the Sky Muster™ satellite service, congratulations. Our customer support team have emailed you regarding the account credit.

To summarise

Overall, the survey proved a very useful exercise, we now know what we need to focus on during 2018 and we’re delighted to find out that our customers are overall very happy.

Our development roadmap is now chocker and we look forward to hitting the ground running in 2018 for another successful year.

Thanks again to everyone who completed the survey, we know they aren’t the most exciting things in the world!

Barney Lassen
Written by Barney Lassen

Originally from Oxford (UK), Barney's headed up the Marketing team since 2016. Outside of work, you might catch him down his local swimming pool or walking his very-good-girl, Macey.